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Prêts pour personnes ayant un mauvais crédit

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt pour mauvais crédit?

Hey there! Have you ever wondered how to write a cheque or had doubts about getting all the details correct? Don't worry - you're not alone! Writing a cheque might seem a little old-school, but it's still a valuable payment method. Let's walk through the process step-by-step and learn how to write a cheque like a pro!

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Step 1: Gather the Essentials

Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need. Grab a pen (preferably one with black or blue ink), your personalized blank cheques, and ensure you have enough funds in your account to cover the amount you're writing the cheque for.

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Step 2: Date the Cheque

At the top right corner of the cheque, write the current date. Be sure to use the full date format (e.g., July 15, 2023) to avoid confusion. This is just to make things crystal clear for the person who will read the cheque you wrote.

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Step 3: Payee Details

On the "Pay to the Order of" line, write the name of the person or company you're making the payment to. Double-check the spelling because a mistake in the name you’ve written in the cheque, will render the cheque invalid, and it will be at the full discretion of Bank to assess the extent of the mistake and dispose of the cheque.

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Step 4: Amount in Numbers

In the box on the right side of the cheque, write the payment amount in numbers. For example, if you're paying $100.75, write "100.75."

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Step 5: Amount in Words

Directly below the "Pay to the Order of" line, write the payment amount in words. For the example mentioned earlier, you would write, "One hundred dollars and seventy-five cents." This step is essential to ensure that it's clear on the amount you are paying.

Benefits ogf Loans
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Step 6: Memo Line (Optional)

If you want to include a note or reminder for yourself or the payee, you can use the memo line. However, this step is optional, and it won't affect the validity of the cheque.

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Step 7: Sign the Cheque

At the bottom right corner of the cheque, you'll find a signature line. Sign your name exactly as it appears on the account. This signature is crucial as it authorizes the bank to pay the specified amount.

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt pour mauvais crédit?

When writing a cheque that includes cents, be sure to include both the numerical and written values correctly. For instance, if the payment is $123.50, write "123.50" in the numbers box and "One hundred twenty-three dollars and fifty cents" in words.

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt pour mauvais crédit?

Accuracy is the key when filling out a cheque. Always double-check the payee's name, the payment amount, and the date before signing the cheque. Mistakes can lead to payment delays or even returned cheques.

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt pour mauvais crédit?

It's common to make mistakes while writing a cheque, but fear not! If you make a mistake, avoid crossing out or using correction fluid. Instead, draw a neat line through the error and write the correct information above it with your initials. Remember, keeping your cheque neat and tidy is essential for a seamless transaction.

Qu’est-ce qu’un prêt pour mauvais crédit?

And there you have it—a step-by-step guide to writing a cheque in Canada. It might seem like a small thing, but knowing how to write a cheque correctly can save you time and headaches in the long run. So, next time you need to make a payment, whip out that pen and chequebook with confidence!

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Mettre les Canadiens sur la voie d’un meilleur avenir financier

Nous nous sommes donnés pour mission d’aider nos clients à rebâtir leur crédit et leur admissibilité à des taux bancaires.



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Avez-vous des questions? Nous pouvons vous aider.

What credit score do I need for easyfinancial?


This is determined on a case-by-case basis. We use many factors to approve applicants for a loan, including monthly income and credit score. We factor in your debt-to-income ratio (50%), debts in collections, car payments, and monthly debt obligations. Those with bad credit (300-720) are encouraged to apply.

What is a soft inquiry and how is it different than a hard inquiry?


A soft inquiry is when your credit report is pulled for informational purposes and does not affect your credit score. A soft inquiry is simply a review of your credit report that's used to determine if you are eligible for a pre-approved offer and may be used to verify who you are.  When a company conducts a soft inquiry, this is only visible to you, and is not seen by other lenders therefore it will not negatively affect your credit score. 

A hard inquiry is when a credit report is requested from the credit bureau for the purpose of evaluating you as a borrower. A hard inquiry can affect your credit score and can be seen by other lenders. However, keep in mind that hard inquiries are only one of the five major factors that help determine your credit score.  Other factors such a payment history and credit utilization play a much bigger role in determining your credit score. 

What documents are needed to get an approval?


We require the following documents:

2 recent pay stubs

  1. Last 90 days of banking information 

  2. 1 recent bill addressed to your current home 

  3. A piece of government photo ID