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Apply for a personal loan in Brantford and get a decision in minutes

Get more money at lower rates with Brantford's best payday loan alternative.

easyfinancial offers personal loans up to $100,000* that can help improve bad credit and get you on a path to a better financial future.

Faire une demande

Rebâtissez votre crédit et revenez sur la bonne voie.


OUI quand les banques disent non

Nous pouvons vous aider à obtenir une approbation, même avec un mauvais crédit ou sans antécédents de crédit.


Approbation en 10 minutes

Obtenez une décision rapide, et votre argent le jour même par télévirement.


Rebâtissez votre crédit

Rebâtissez votre crédit en effectuant vos versements à temps, et passez à des taux moins élevés.

Obtenir un prêt

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Have questions? We can help.

What credit score do I need for easyfinancial?


This is determined on a case-by-case basis. We use many factors to approve applicants for a loan, including monthly income and credit score. We factor in your debt-to-income ratio (50%), debts in collections, car payments, and monthly debt obligations. Those with bad credit (300-720) are encouraged to apply.

What is a soft inquiry and how is it different than a hard inquiry?


A soft inquiry is when your credit report is pulled for informational purposes and does not affect your credit score. A soft inquiry is simply a review of your credit report that's used to determine if you are eligible for a pre-approved offer and may be used to verify who you are.  When a company conducts a soft inquiry, this is only visible to you, and is not seen by other lenders therefore it will not negatively affect your credit score. 

A hard inquiry is when a credit report is requested from the credit bureau for the purpose of evaluating you as a borrower. A hard inquiry can affect your credit score and can be seen by other lenders. However, keep in mind that hard inquiries are only one of the five major factors that help determine your credit score.  Other factors such a payment history and credit utilization play a much bigger role in determining your credit score.

What documents are needed to get an approval?


We require the following documents:

2 recent pay stubs

  1. Last 90 days of banking information 

  2. 1 recent bill addressed to your current home 

  3. A piece of government photo ID 

Quelles sont vos modalités de paiement?


Nous offrons des modalités allant de 9 mois à 240 mois.

Combien d’argent puis-je emprunter?


Nous offrons des prêts non garantis jusqu’à 20 000 $ et des prêts sur valeur domiciliaire jusqu’à 100 000 $, avec des termes variant de 9 à 240 mois.